Life The Way It Should Be

East West REALTOR® Rediscovers Art 37 Years Later

Old Isle of Wight County Courthouse, circa 1750

East West Realty agent, Mark Edwards has recently rediscovered his passion for drawing and is working on a collection of renderings of homes and local landmarks located in Isle of Wight County. Edwards has been a REALTOR® since 1985, and has just recently started to draw again, something he hasn’t done since he was a student at Virginia Tech where he took several art classes as electives.

“While it’s still just a hobby, I’ve missed this ability to draw that’s really alway’s been there- only to resurface on holidays and family birthdays- really the only time I practiced art. My kids seemed to like the cards I would make instead of a store bought card. Recently my oldest son saw an old card I had done which featured a rendering of our first house. Tyler proceeded to overnight mail me a large canvas with a note- to please paint a picture of our house, the one he just bought in Norfolk.

After staring at that canvas for a month, I decided to sit down and try an ink drawing of his home. It took me around 30 hours, but the time I spent drawing was a time of peace and quiet, and joy. I guess maybe it was a retreat from what was going on in the world this past fall, but I loved the feeling- it was like therapy.”

West Ghent home, Norfolk, VA                                  “Old Manor House” -Windsor Castle, Smithfield, VA

Edwards has only done twelve renderings and has started a Facebook page to post his drawings, which he’s done the past few months for family and friends only. He hopes to build on his art collection, which consists mostly of Isle of Wight County landmarks and Virginia Tech, and one day offer prints for those interested. You can view a sampling of his work at

Gatling Pointe home, Smithfield, VA